martes, 19 de mayo de 2020

Wednesday, 20th of May


Can you dance? Do you like dancing?
Giraffes like dancing but they can't.

CAN is a very special verb. It is only for the present. It can only be touched to make the negative:
CAN'T or CANNOT (always together).
No subject verb agreement (no -s for the special people)
We use can for permission... You know that!! Can I go to the toilet??
Or... hability... I can dance!! I can play the piano.

Video time!

Let's practice:

I have a story for you!!!

After watching it...

You don't need to listen to the story again:

Para terminar... Escribe 3 frases de cosas que sabes hacer y 3 que no.


I really really want to see you all!!!

2 comentarios:

  1. Teacher I to... I really really want to see you. KISSES byeeeeeeeeee.

  2. Sofía Valdemoros21 de mayo de 2020, 3:26

    Raquel, en la ficha 12, el audio no reconoce bien en la 3 (can write) y está mal en la 6 (can play). ¿Lo puedes corregir? Gracias. Sofía Valdemoros.
